, 34
Din Chicago
I'm a humorous, honest and trustworthy lady looking for some great times. You know, a lot of women are searching for their Mr. Right, and I do want to find mine one of these days also. But in the mean time, I'm going to enjoy being single as much as I can. It's fun being single. I'm free to have all I'm signing up here today, because I have a few fantasies that I want to fulfill. I'm not shy, but there are certain things a girl can't go up to a man and ask him in person. What I have to ask of you guys here, would be better asked online. If you want to know what I have in mind, you have to get in touch with me.
Este interesant: Bărbat
între: 26 - 30
Scop: Relație de lungă durată, Prietenie, Flirt și întâlniri
Nu am copii, dar aș vrea să am într-o zi
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Limbi străine: English
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Îmi place să beau
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