, 29
From Tangerang
Interested in: Girl
Age: 21 - 30
Goal: I'll decide when I meet
  • anime
  • britpop
  • astronomi
  • biologi
  • masa depan
  • perjalanan darat
  • Bersepeda
  • transportasi bermotor
  • olahraga motor
  • mendayung
  • tentara perang
  • mendaki gunung
  • mendaki
  • liburan pantai
  • sastra kuno
  • film petualangan
  • film perang
  • film detektif
  • film dokumentar
  • bioskop cendekiawan
  • ikan akuarium
  • Tuhan
No stable income
Dorm room
No children but I would like to have kids one day
Vocational secondary education
Languages: Bahasa Indonesia
I smoke
  • Indonesia
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